Now added multiplayer support using the Photon service for unity. This is a mostly client trusting networking model, where the Photon server keeps track of players while passing network traffic between them. Also threw in selection highlight for characters using a rim light shader, and a selection bobber with double-click to move.
Now A* Pathfinding integrated, and character locomotion system using Mecanim system. This took a lot of value tweaking to get movement to orient towards the waypoints, to improve it I think sharper turn animations are needed.
Ok, a few days later and already lots of feature updates to this prototype.
– Grid movement system. Based off snapping coordinates to a X/Z grid
– Selection system, highlighter for valid and invalid moves. Valid moves are based off of raycast collision with a valid tagged asset. Invalid moves are if the cursor is too many grid tiles away, or if raycast collision with an invalid tagged asset.
– Sub-Unit character system, controls action points and movement for each character the player controls.
– Turn system, able to keep track of multiple players. Activates valid player and sub-units and switches active player when all sub-unit action points are spent.
I’ve been playing around with Unity3d lately and am fairly impressed. I just put together this little prototype of a click-to-move system with free camera movement. Supporting multiple character units for a turn based-rpg game setup.
Blog of Game Developer Dante Falcone